Mobil Applications


LiveBlatt revolutionizes the way customers interact with your products through cutting-edge augmented reality (AR). This app brings static images to life, allowing customers to explore products in a dynamic and immersive way. From detailed insights to engaging visual stories, LiveBlatt delivers an enhanced product understanding that static images and descriptions alone cannot achieve. This heightened level of interaction not only captivates customers but also provides them with valuable information, making their shopping experience both informative and enjoyable. In the competitive landscape of direct selling, LiveBlatt sets your brand apart by offering a novel and memorable way to discover and engage with your products.

software für mlm system
Our Location App leverages advanced geotracking technology to deliver personalized, location-based special offers to your customers. By encouraging daily app engagement, this tool not only enhances customer loyalty but also provides invaluable insights into their preferences and interests. The Location App is designed to motivate customers to interact with your brand regularly, fostering a deeper connection and encouraging more frequent purchases. By tailoring offers to the specific location of your customers, you can create a more relevant and compelling value proposition, driving sales and building a more robust business foundation.

Location App

Our Location App leverages advanced geotracking technology to deliver personalized, location-based special offers to your customers. By encouraging daily app engagement, this tool not only enhances customer loyalty but also provides invaluable insights into their preferences and interests. The Location App is designed to motivate customers to interact with your brand regularly, fostering a deeper connection and encouraging more frequent purchases. By tailoring offers to the specific location of your customers, you can create a more relevant and compelling value proposition, driving sales and building a more robust business foundation.

Shopping App

In the fast-paced world of direct selling, MLM, and network marketing, our Shopping App stands as a game-changer. Designed specifically for the unique needs of this industry, our app provides an unparalleled shopping experience for both sellers and buyers. Features like personalized product recommendations, easy-to-navigate catalogs, and secure payment gateways are tailored to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your sales strategy. With our Shopping App, businesses can foster stronger customer relationships, streamline the sales process, and boost overall revenue, all while providing a seamless and engaging shopping experience.

Partner App

Optimized for: “Business collaboration app,” “Sales enhancement tool,” “Direct selling partner communication”

The Partner App is your ultimate tool for fostering collaboration and driving sales within your direct selling organization. This innovative app enables individual business partners to communicate effortlessly, work collaboratively on sales strategies, and monitor their progress in real-time. With features designed to enhance transparency and simplify follow-ups, the Partner App empowers your team to achieve their full potential. By integrating this system, your business can enjoy streamlined operations, improved sales outcomes, and a more cohesive team dynamic, all contributing to a stronger, more successful direct selling enterprise.


Our Shopping App is specifically designed for direct selling, MLM, and network marketing businesses, offering features like personalized catalogs, secure checkout, and real-time inventory updates. It streamlines the sales process, making it easier for sellers to connect with buyers and offer a personalized shopping experience.

Absolutely. The Partner App is equipped with tools to monitor sales performance, set goals, and track progress in real-time. It fosters transparency and collaboration among team members, making it simpler to achieve sales targets and grow your direct selling business.

LiveBlatt utilizes AR technology to transform static product images into interactive, 3D models. Customers can explore products in detail, leading to a more engaging and informative presentation. This immersive experience helps in conveying product value and details more effectively.

The Location App uses geotracking to deliver personalized offers based on the customer’s location, encouraging more frequent engagement and visits. This location-based personalization helps in creating tailored promotions that resonate with customers’ immediate needs and interests.

Yes, our Shopping App is fully compatible with both iOS and Android devices, ensuring a wide reach and seamless experience for all users, regardless of their preferred platform.

The Partner App provides a dedicated platform for direct selling teams to communicate, share resources, and collaborate on sales strategies. Its features are designed to enhance clarity, reduce misunderstandings, and ensure that everyone is aligned with the team’s goals.

Yes, LiveBlatt can seamlessly integrate with your existing product catalogs, bringing them to life with augmented reality. This integration enhances the traditional catalog experience, adding a layer of interactivity and engagement.

The Location App entices users to engage daily by offering location-specific deals and promotions. This not only incentivizes regular app usage but also provides businesses with ongoing opportunities to understand and cater to their customers’ preferences and interests.

Unlock Your Direct Selling Potential: Discover Our Revolutionary Mobile Apps Today!

Transform Your Business Today! By contacting us now, you’ll gain first-mover advantage in leveraging cutting-edge mobile technology tailored for the direct selling industry. Don’t miss out on exclusive access to our innovative apps designed to enhance your sales, streamline operations, and engage your customers like never before. Act now to secure a personalized consultation and discover how our solutions can drive your success. Your journey towards digital excellence and unparalleled growth starts here—reach out today and take the first step!